The Way of Letting Go – a book response

The Way of Letting Go *This post contains affiliate links. TrishBlogs receives a small percentage of compensation for purchases made via these links, at no cost to the consumer. One Woman’s Walk toward Forgiveness The Way of Letting Go crosses … [Continue reading]

Making a difference, one little thing at a time… according to Malcolm Gladwell’s “The Tipping Point”

Self Portrait, Reading, Book, Difference

The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference Since posting my 2017 Books Read list (read so far that is), I have finished nine more books.  I hope to give my response (not review), to the books, and how they have some impact on … [Continue reading]

Living “right” for health & wellness

Wellness, parenting and social media coaching

Wellness has a right/wrong?! Imagine that there is a “right” way to live. That by not living it your health and wellness suffers. Now imagine that this right way applies to every single human – regardless of age, gender, fitness level, income level, … [Continue reading]

Perfect? You are NOT the perfect parent.

Perfect parent

That's right. You are not a perfect parent. It really shouldn’t be news to you that you’re not perfect. Not perfect in general, not even a perfect parent. If it is, you may be somewhat delusional. Guess what? Those other parents. They’re not … [Continue reading]

Book list for 2017… (Books read so far)

Self Portrait, Reading, Book, Difference

I used to document each  book I've read and responses to them. I'd like to get back to that. Once I get caught up, I may work backwards and share some of the responses I've had to books I've already read this year. To start I'll share my book … [Continue reading]

Are you thinking about starting a side-hustle too?

Photo by Paul Wesson Photography

I am always thinking about starting my own business and it seems somehow more do-able as a side-hustle. The challenge to move forward, my side-hustle I sit here contemplating the adjustments our bodies go through from to pre-op to … [Continue reading]

Do you have a plan? 10 tasks to help make blogging successful…

social media and blogging

Do you have a plan for your blog? Are your activities strategically mapped out? Or do you wing it? I originally posted this on my first self-hosted blog (ceilidhontherun), but it's one of those posts that just never seems to lose it's value - so I … [Continue reading]

When (if ever) does the end justify the means?

justify this

When (If ever?) does the end justify the means? Individuals whom I have come to know and respect believe Trump to be a good choice as President. Hearing these words upset me almost as much as the actions of this man. I’m a Canadian without a … [Continue reading]

Living with Fibro (Fibromyalgia)

living with fibromyalgia

I’m often asked to describe some aspect of fibro (fibromyalgia), my chronic pain, chronic illness, etc. It’s not easy. There are so many pieces that all interconnect. As soon as I mention one thing, something else comes up… because one always affects … [Continue reading]

Give me a body break!

Photos and curating hem are one of my ways of taking a break

"Body break". Do you remember those ads? Thinking about the break I need, from my body, reminded me of them. So, I’m looking for writing prompts to try to get the juices flowing again - after a long time of not feeling “it”… and what do … [Continue reading]