An idea I’ve floated around a lot after a number of different parents have suggested I do so, over the years has been to hand my shingle as a consultant to parents of early childhood topics, especially around early learning & care. Now that I am in a stable part-time position, it seems a good time to take a bit of a risk, while also gainfully employed doing something I love.
For those who don’t know I have a background that includes a BA in Psychology/English; Early Childhood Education, and now a Bachelor of Social Work. I’ve worked in many different areas of early learning & care including both program delivery as a classroom teacher/supervisor to administration as Director of family resource centres; preschools; child care centres in all age groups from infant through to school-age; women & children’s transition house; and more.
I welcome feedback and ideas.
Following are a non-exhaustive list of some of the services I might provide as an Early Childhood consultant.
Early Childhood / Family Consulting Services:
- Helping families find quality child care: licensed/group; home-based; “nannies”
- Helping child care providers get started: home-based and licensed group care
- Helping child care providers assess their programs
- Navigating systems (government – community services; family/child care; school boards; etc.)
- Accessing resources
- Design & development of Early Childhood programs
- Development of Early Childhood program policies & Procedures
- Coordination of professional development opportunities for early childhood professionals and parents
- Toy/Equipment/Resource (EC books, videos, etc.) lending library ??? – later – will take some overhead
- Improving Early Childhood programs
- Acting as the catalyst for change in Early Childhood programs
- Advocating with/for children, parents, families, early childhood professionals
Some other areas I know I’d need to plan prior to putting myself out there:
1)Fees: hourly?; packages: retainer – # hours/month for a set retainer monthly
3)Plans for a newsletter
4)Templates for reports; communication; newsletter, etc.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Trish McCourt. Trish McCourt said: New post: Brainstorming becoming a Consultant […]
Just thinking through more parts of the process…
Questionnaires, I will need to create, and then tweak as I use, questionnaires for the services I expect most often to be providing. Perhaps even placing forms on my website for people to complete as an initial query for services.