So, I still haven’t completed that plan I was working on. You know the one that would have some overall life goal stuff to work on, then get broken down a bit into some bite size pieces, like my fitness plan, my work plan, my how to become a better photographer plan…
Anyway, I decided part of my fitness plan is to simply get out everyday. My Osteopath has limited me to 30 mins max of a particular activity in a day – but I think combining some may be okay as long as I’m not hurting as a result. So, I want to get into a daily running routine. Preferably, wake up in the morning, feet on the floor and head out the door kind of daily running. A refreshing start to everyday. 30 mins – should be manageable.
Luckily my significant other wants to get himself back on track as well, and right now the girlies are visiting with their dad for two weeks, so it’s the perfect time to work together to establish a routine. It will hopefully be easier for me to stick with on my own when we can no longer run together daily because of childcare requirements.
Yesterday was day one. All is good. Took a few minutes longer to get out the door than will work ongoing on a work day, but lucky for us Ian’s work schedule is flexible, and I have Thursdays & Fridays off.
Today, day two – out the door a little bit quicker, shortened the route a little (shorter walking cool-down for me at the end). Another successful day.
I’m starting to feel like a runner again – with that good feeling ache of the muscles after a workout. 🙂
The weekend is coming. I sure hope Ian is okay with getting up on the regular workday schedule in order to make this routine actually a routine!
Something we chatted about enroute is the tendency for morning runners and walkers to be friendlier. Nearly everyone greeted us with a smile and a word of hello yesterday. Today was a little less so, but we also saw significantly less people out.
I’d like to incorporate a swim and/or bike ride into each day as well – but we’ll take it one step at a time. 🙂
Happy running friends!